The CGA Strategic Conference offers several, customizable sponsor opportunities to promote your company’s products or services in unique ways. With each of these sponsorships, CGA will work with you to design just the right sponsorship that reflects your specific goals.
Sponsorship Information
Conference Networking Lounge Sponsor (SOLD)
Located on the main conference floor, the networking lounge is the place for conference attendees to relax, recharge their mobile phone and check email during conference hours. This area provides a unique, high profile opportunity to present your brand while providing a valuable enhancement to the attendee experience.
Opening Reception Co-sponsor (SOLD)
The Opening Night Reception is one of the signature social events at the CGA Strategic Conference. Here attendees gather for an unparalleled opportunity to get to know their industry peers in a fun, relaxed environment. Sponsorship is limited to two co-sponsors and provides plenty of recognition opportunities in conference materials and during the evening’s program.
After Hours Social Sponsor (SOLD)
The quality of the CGA Strategic Conference’s networking opportunities consistently ranks among the most beneficial attributes of this annual event. What better way to connect with conference attendees than featuring your company and product at this relaxing networking event. Sponsorship includes complete naming rights and premium sampling opportunities.
Registration Sponsor (SOLD)
CGA is pleased to offer the high-profile, exclusive opportunity to promote brand awareness through conference registration materials. The Registration Sponsor will be recognized through branded presence on conference registration materials including attendee name badge holder, on host hotel room keys as well as in conference marketing materials.
Tuesday Keynote Sponsor (SOLD)
Tuesday’s educational program is anchored by a luncheon keynote address featuring one of the conference’s high-profile presenters. CGA offers the opportunity to be the presenting sponsor of this session and receive benefits that include addressing the audience and introducing this notable conference session.
Opening Experience Sponsor or Co-sponsor
The conference begins here at the Opening General Session with an insightful educational speaker. Sponsorship of this event offers your company executive the opportunity to address the attendees and welcome them to the conference.
For information on sponsoring, download the 2019 Sponsorship Prospectus.
Contact us for more information on conference sponsorship opportunities, including specific benefits and pricing.